Bay of Plenty

Recover and Return

When it comes to concussions in rugby, proper healing time is non-negotiable. Every player, regardless of age or skill level, must observe a minimum 21-day stand-down period before returning to contact training. This crucial recovery time helps safeguard your long-term brain health and playing future.


During your 21-day break from rugby, you need to follow two important steps:

  1. Gradually return to learning or work
  2. Slowly get back into playing rugby

These steps are based on what doctors and scientists around the world say is best for recovery.

Back to school or work first

Before you can play rugby again, you need to be able to:

  • Go to school or work without your symptoms getting much worse
  • Do your normal daily tasks without needing special changes

Only when you can handle your everyday life should you think about returning to rugby.

Why this matters

Taking it slow helps your brain heal properly. It also makes sure you're fully ready to play again, lowering the risk of another injury.

Remember: Your brain needs time to get better. Don't rush it!

Concussion management and return to learn

Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital.

Concussion chats: What is recovery?

What does recovery even mean? Find out the answer to this one (and more) in Episode 2 of Let’s Chat About Concussion.


A concussion affects your brain's ability to think and process information. You might need to take a break from school or work for a few days. When you go back, you may need to:

  1. Return slowly
  2. Change your schedule to avoid making symptoms worse

Tips for a smooth return

If an activity makes you feel worse, stop and rest until you feel better. Here are some strategies that might help:

  • Start late or only go for half days
  • Take plenty of breaks
  • Ask for extra time on tasks, assignments, or tests
  • Take no more than one exam per day
  • Work in a quiet room
  • Stay away from noisy areas
  • Use a helper or tutor

Listen to your body

If symptoms come back, go back to the previous stage until you feel better. Remember:

  • These timeframes are the minimum
  • You might need to spend more time at each stage
  • Everyone recovers differently

When to seek more help

Most players recover within 21 days. If you're still having symptoms after this time, it's a good idea to see a doctor again.

Remember: Your brain needs time to heal. Be patient with yourself and don't rush your recovery.