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The role of a Coach

Coaches shape a player's rugby experience more than anyone else. This unique position makes coaches essential in managing concussion risks.

Coaches are best placed to lead the "Four R's" of concussion management:



- Learn the signs and symptoms of concussion
- Watch players closely during practice and games
- Encourage players to speak up about symptoms

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- Immediately remove any player showing concussion signs
- Support the "If in doubt, sit them out" policy
- Back referee decisions on blue cards

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- Ensure players follow proper recovery protocols
- Communicate with parents about recovery progress
- Resist pressure to return players too soon



- Implement a gradual return-to-play process
- Work with medical professionals for player clearance
- Monitor returning players closely

LET'S CHAT CONCUSSION: How long does it take to recover?

Do you know how long a concussion actually lasts? Watch the All Blacks and Black Ferns chat all things concussion recovery.

Concussion management: A Coach's Guide

Understanding Your Role

As a coach, you don't need to be a concussion expert, but you should:

  • Know the signs and symptoms of concussion
  • Understand how to guide players through proper steps if concussion is suspected

It Takes a Team

Player welfare is a shared responsibility. Engage with:

  • Team managers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Friends and whānau

Have open discussions to ensure everyone understands their role in supporting injured players.


Prevention: your first line of defense

Proper Warm-Up

  • Include neck exercises in your warm-up routine
  • Strong neck muscles may help reduce concussion risk by better absorbing impact forces

Tackle Technique

  • Most concussions occur during tackles
  • Regularly practice proper tackling technique
  • Focus on maintaining good form even when players are fatigued

Recovery: supporting your players

Graduated Return to Play

  • Enforce the mandatory 21-day stand-down period for all players
  • Include recovering players in stage-appropriate activities
  • Maintain team involvement during recovery to support mental wellbeing

Caution is Key

  • Some players may appear to recover faster, but stick to the 21-day rule
  • Remember: Concussion is an invisible injury
  • When in doubt, always err on the side of caution

Ongoing Care

  • Encourage players to seek medical attention if symptoms persist
  • Monitor returning players closely for any recurring issues

Your Impact

As a coach, your approach to concussion management sets the tone for your entire team. Prioritise player safety and long-term health above short-term gains.

Remember: A culture of safety and open communication about injuries is crucial for your team's success both on and off the field.