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What are the risks?

Rugby involves physical contact, which can sometimes lead to injuries. While hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders embrace the sport despite this risk, we're not standing still. We're always working to make rugby safer. Our top priority is reducing injuries, especially those affecting the head, including concussions. We believe you can enjoy the thrill of rugby while continuously improving player safety.

Our safety initiatives

NZ Rugby supports initiatives like:

  • Changing rules and tackle heights to reduce injury
  • Training coaches to teach safer techniques
  • Educating people on concussion recognition and management
  • Allowing referees to issue blue cards after suspected concussions

The list of our safety measures is extensive.

Supporting independent research

More recently, we have been supporting research into:

  • Understanding long-term risks and benefits of playing rugby
  • Brain health and the connection between repetitive impacts and conditions like dementia

Our ongoing commitment

We are committed to:

  • Supporting ongoing quality research
  • Sharing findings with the rugby community
  • Implementing changes when we find ways to make the game safer

Balancing benefits and safety

We are dedicated to maximising the positive impact of rugby while minimising risks. Our goal is to create an environment where:

  • The physical, mental, and social benefits of rugby flourish
  • Players can enjoy the sport with confidence
  • Injury risks are continuously reduced through proactive measures

Transparency and Proactive Action

We recognise that rugby, like any sport, carries inherent risks. Our approach to addressing these risks is twofold:

1. Open Communication

  • Providing clear, accurate information about potential risks
  • Sharing the latest research findings with players, parents, and coaches
  • Encouraging open dialogue within the rugby community

2. Continuous Improvement

  • Implementing evidence-based safety measures
  • Investing in ongoing research and development
  • Adapting rules, training methods, and equipment as new information emerges
  • By combining transparency with decisive action, we strive to ensure that rugby remains a safe, enjoyable, and rewarding sport for all participants.