Referee Group v3

Reporting a Concussion

Recognising, removing, and assisting players who sustain a concussion is everyone’s responsibility.

The Concussion Notification Webform is currently being piloted in selected Provincial Unions for the 2024 season. Reporting a concussion through the webform serves two purposes; to immediately guide players who suspect they have a concussion and to inform their Provincial Union so they can provide any necessary support.

While the Blue Card system is used in all Provincial Unions, it is not always applied in every grade. Players often experience symptoms post-game, up to 48 hours later, or during training. The webform aims to ensure all suspected concussions are reported to support players in their return-to-learn or work and return to play.

Concussions aren't always obvious, so it's essential to be cautious. By using the suspected Concussion Notification Form, you're helping prioritise player welfare.

After submitting the form:

  • The player will receive guidance on immediate support and the return to play process.
  • The player's Provincial Union will be notified of the suspected concussion.

 Concussion Notification Form